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Dear Jk Rowling, What's with the plot holes?

I had to a write a letter that wasn't super serious for my nonfiction class. This was the first thing I thought of.

Dear Jk Rowling,

Why does your series have so many plot holes? For creating such an intricate and fabulous world, you sure seem to have missed some things.

Let’s start with the marauders map. So, you're telling me that Fred and George owned this map before Harry and they didn't see Peter Pettigrew? Peter Pettigrew the rat that has been in their family for 12 years. Harry receives the map in his and Ron's third year of school. Fred and George received the map in their first year. Being older they should have been able to see Peter on the map since the second Ron and him stepped onto Hogwarts Grounds. Not only should they have noticed the name, they should have noticed the fact that Ron was not sleeping alone! Did you simply not plan ahead enough? Did you consider this plot hole? Consider a possible way around it?

Speaking of Pettigrew.. Why would James make Pettigrew his secret keeper when James could have done it himself. We later see Arther and Bill become their own secret keepers. Plot device much?

Why tell students to go back to the dorm when the troll is in the dungeon? What about the Slytherins? Their common room is in the dungeon. I get that you had to have a ‘bad house’ but telling a select group of students to go where the troll was last seen is crazy, housist even. Two of my very close friends are the Slytherine to my Hufflepuff. Don't doubt them!

Harry witnesses his parents death when he’s a baby. He literally watches it happen right in front of him. This should be considered witnessing a death, no? Then why can't Harry see Thestrals until Cedric’s death. You could argue that Harry was too young to really understand the death of his parents, but I personally don’t accept this. When the dementors come around, Harry can hear his mothers screams. That doesn't constitute not remembering or understanding death. He’s literally haunted by this. Thestrals are pretty much a physical representation of this haunted feeling. I too would be traumatized by the death of Hogwarts Champion and Hufflepuff Hunk, Cedric Diggory. Yet, I think my parents death would leave me more traumatized (see Harry Potter films).

Harry has glasses. Yet he is a wizard. If you can remove bones from the body with magic, why cant you cure eyesight? I understand the signature Harry Potter look: scar and glasses; but it seems a little silly in hindsight. I do have my own pair of round spectacles, but that's besides the point.

An essential part of the book and Harry’s Character is that he has his mothers eyes. Soooo who cast the film? Somebody screwed up. Daniel Radcliff’s Harry has blue eyes. I can accept this change (green in the books) since he brought the role of Harry to Life. What I’m confused about is why you couldn't find an actress with blue eyes to match Daniel’s. If you had trouble finding a red head, couldn't you just make them dye their hair? Tom Felton, bless his heart, bleached his hair for 10 years to appear on screen for 32 minutes!

Don't EVEN get me started on the damn time turners.

A devoted fan, Ella Fredericks (Hufflepuff)

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