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My Expectations for myself based on Education

Here is another piece I wrote for my Creative Nonfiction class. It's my favorite class. Can you tell?


Start your education young. Put your all into school. Get extra help early, so you're not behind later. Start learning a language in Middle School. Get ahead in your math class. Earn straight A’s. If you're not earning A’s you're doing it wrong. An A- is not enough of an A. Take 4 years of a language. Continue from where you already started. Take 4 years of math. Continue from where you already started. It doesn't matter that the sophomore’s feel intimidated by the freshman in Geometry. Be the best student in class. Always help people when they need it. Even when you haven’t quite figured it out yourself. Take challenging electives, like engineering. Even if you're once again one of the only freshmen in the class. Take AP World your sophomore year. AP Classes will get you into college. AP Classes show your intelligence. Take Spanish 4, even though you could have stopped at 3 years. 4 years looks better to colleges. Dont drop out of either of them, even though they are draining you from the inside out. Take AP Lang your junior year. Get an A. Take the test even though you really don't want to. Continue to do good in school even if there is national pandemic happening. No chance, right? Take as many AP classes as you can senior year. 3 will suffice. Get A’s. GPA will determine whether you get into the right college. Getting into the right college will determine your career, the rest of your life, your worth. Getting into the wrong college could ruin you.

Don't get hung up on the fact that college is vastly different from high school. Think about the fact that you should once again have a high GPA. GPA will look good to employers. Looking good to employers will determine your job, the rest of your life, and your worth. Get a job in college. You’ll need to start saving for all that student debt! You’ll want spending money too, right? No more leaching off your parents. You're an adult now. Act like it. Join clubs! As many as you can! Networking is essential. Go to football games and parties. Get the college experience! You only get it once. But don't forget to stay on top of your GPA! School comes first. Before extracurriculars, before your social life, and before your physical and emotional health. No, prioritize your physical and emotional health too. Occasionally. But make sure you're on top of your grades! Do good. Do better. Be the Best.

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