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My Dorm Room!

Today is Friday the 19th. Here is a vague description of today. Your welcome. It was the first day of Destination Arizona which is a bunch of get to know the school stuff. My roommate, Alyssa, also majors in psychology so we went to the required college of science meeting this morning in this ginormous lecture room. Everyone clapped after someone raised there hand and answered a really easy question. The building was by Old Main which is close to university Boulovard so we went to the CVS pharmacy there. I switched my prescription to there and got a few things for my room. Alyssa showed me a turtle pond. We stopped by the room for a while. Then we went back out. I ate at the student union center and went to the bookstore to get 2 shirts. On our way back to the dorm we stopped to look at every floor of the library. Then we chilled in the room. I finished setting up my room. Then we went to this Arizona traditions thing at the center where we host basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics. We learned the school song, saw the football team, cheer team, and pom pom dance team.

Questions welcomed. Thanks to everyone joining me on this adventure virtually. I'll try to update.

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Aug 23, 2022

I love the look of your room! Is that THE turtle pond that I went to when I visited?

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