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My first Tattoo

Everyone reading this probably already knows about my tattoo. However, I wrote a narrative about it for my nonfiction class. Enjoy!

On September 15th, 2022, I got my very first tattoo. I’d been thinking and thinking about what tattoos I would get for forever. I have a Pinterest board of prospective designs and inspiration. My mom totally would have signed off on me getting one before the age of 18, but I turned her offer down. Tattoos are such a commitment. A lifelong addition to our bodies. I’m not a super impulsive person, I like to plan. Hence the tattoo would have to be something I would enjoy and keep. Sure, there is such a thing as tattoo removal, but why would I spend hella money to get a tattoo just to spend hella more money to get it removed? It’s silly. Therefore I had to be prepared. I had to think about the location. Would a future job not allow visible tattoos? What other tattoos might I want and where? I’ll need to leave room for those. Will I regret getting said tattoo? Will future Ella think teenage Ella was stupid? Maybe that’s part of the fun though...

I went to college, a legal adult, and did what a legal adult could do. I got a tattoo. You’re probably wondering: Ella what did you get? Well, that's a good question.

One thing that everyone learns about me right away is that I'm a big Harry Potter fan. For as long as I remember I’ve been obsessed with the wizarding world. I didn't read the books until 8th grade, but the movies frequently played during my childhood. My wallet is Harry Potter. My journal is Harry Potter. My comforter is Harry Potter. My senior quote was a Harry Potter Quote. I had a dedicated Harry Potter Wall in my room. I would and still do find every opportunity to include Harry Potter in whatever I do. So, why not make it a permanent part of my body? I’ve loved it long enough and am sure to continue loving it.

The question was what? I didn’t want to go crazy for my first tattoo. I wanted it to be small, and subtle. Harry Potter-related but not blatantly HARRY POTTER. I wanted something that a fan would recognize.

Pinterest provided many ideas, but none of them called out to me as much as 3 simple stars of the wrist. These stars are a feature in the corner of every page of a Harry Potter book. They aren't 5 pointed stars, they are 6. It’s small. It’s subtle. It’s Harry Potter. It’s me. Needless to say, I put a lot of thought into this and couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Some of my family did think I had gotten bitten by a bug when I first showed them a picture, but that’s just proof of their unculturedness.

I’ve had it for almost a year now. I can just look down and remember the universe that has gotten me through so much. A constant in my life that is full of change. A constant on my body that will ground me.

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