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My Third Person Introduction

Today was my first Creative Nonfiction class. I can already tell my writing class will be my favorite again (Like fiction was last semester). Our professor had us write an introduction about ourselves including some answers to fun questions he asked. Here is what I came up with:

Ella Fredericks is a sophomore at the University of Arizona. With her bright yellow backpack, phone, and water bottle, it's telling she likes sunshine. Interesting since she's from Seattle, the land of rain. Maybe that’s why she found her way here. Ella is a double major in Psychology and Creative Writing. Her ultimate dream is to write a young adult novel with a protagonist suffering from an anxiety disorder like she is. She believes that being vulnerable and expressing herself will make others feel like they can do the same. This is why she isn't afraid to admit that she would watch Five Nights At Freddy's lore videos at 2 am or listen to Change My Clothes by Alex Benjamin and Dream. Ella is ambitious, which gives off Slytherin vibes but she's 100% a Hufflepuff and raging Potterhead. Ask her about her senior quote or her first tattoo. In the Words of Harry James Potter, whom she quotes, “Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself.”

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Sydney Kohler
Sydney Kohler
22 août 2023

Ella- that was an excellent introduction!! Love it and you!!

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