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Week 1

*The purpose of this blog is to get out semi-detailed updates on my life to everyone quickly. Tto be honest it might be weekly tho. We will see how getting a proper life schedule goes. I still want to talk and text with everyone, this is just a starting place. Otherwise, I end up telling different people the same story 10 different times and I forget who I told it to. This way I can sorta tell it to everyone at once. I encourage comments or texts based on updates or just in general. Questions welcomed!!!!!! I love to hear from everyone! <3

Monday, August 22nd

Today was the first day of school! I only had one class which was at 3:30. I got lunch at Chick Fil-A for lunch which is definitely the hot sport on campus. The lines are always huge. My class was Interpersonal Relationships. It sounds exciting. We are supposedly going to be doing a team ropes course later this semester and yoga. The teacher said burn out is in October, which is concerning. I also learned that in college the best party days are Tuesday and Thursday. Who knew right? At 6, I went to the survivor weekend intro thing. They had 3 games. One where everyone holds on to one side of a rope and another person holds onto the other side until it goes the whole way around. You lose if you let go of the rope or cross the center circle cones. Then there was this ball game where they throw a tennis ball, not all at once, and you want to catch one to get points for your team. The last game was sumo where compete head to head in this little circle. First one out of the circle loses. You have to hold your wrist behind your back, if you let go that also means you lose. The person who can go lower has an advantage, being they can try to drive up to get the other person out. I signed up for the survivor weekend, which is labor day weekend. I shared that I was nervous about all the people and how competitive the guys were getting but one of the older girls assured me it would be fun.

Tuesday, August 23rd

Tuesdays are my busiest days of the week. I have 4 classes: Spanish 102 from 9-9:50, Intro to General Education from 11-11:50, English from 12:30-1:45, and Math from 3:30 to 4:45. I bought my textbook for Spanish. Apparentley I actually sorta have Spanish 4 times a week. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are in person but Monday and Wednesday I do online. I think I just do an assignment that's assigned, due by the end of the day. In Spanish we mostly just went over the syllabus and talked about the textbook. In Intro to General Eduation we did introdutions and talked about what the class will look like. We has to do a get to know you activity where u listed 2 things you had in common and 2 things you didn't with the people next to you. I ended up sharing and we hadn't come up with a second thing in common so I said "We all have waterbottles." I felt very silly saying it considering its Arizona. Most people have waterbottles with them. I ordered chicken teikayi from Panda Express after class. I did it on GrubHub so I didn't have to wait in line. I got my food and found an empty seat to sit down and eat at. Then I went to my next class english. I think I love it already, shocker. The teacher is really cool, she is a Hufflepuff. Someone in the class got everyone's snapchats to make a groupchat. And its english, Im just excited. I had Data Management which is my math statistics-like class. We had technical issues but tested stuff in class so that we could figure out what those would be. At 7 I met up with some girls from survivor weekend and went to Snakes and Lattes which is totally my new favorite hangout. They have a lot of my personal comfort food and if you spend a $5 game fee you can play all the games you want. They have an entire wall of board games from strategy to family to party games. We played Headbandz and The Things. Ive played both games before but my background in Headbandz helped me I think cause I got my first 2 cards on the first try. The 3rd card only took 2 trys cause I listed all the green vegetables the first time and I was a tomato.. But here's the best part: The guy who works there was telling us that they do trivia nights. First of all, I've always wanted to do that and second of all, he said that next month is Harry Potter Movie Trivia night. I audibly gasped when I heard. My whole life has been leading up to this moment. I thought trivia only existed at bars and I was like when I'm 21 ima hit up a bar and do hp trivia. But this is my chance! Literally so excited. They said it gets busy and you should call and reserve a seat ahead of time. I asked for the date but they only know its next month.

Wednesday, August 24th

I don't have any classes on Wednesdays so I slept in. I left the room to get lunch (sushi) and free ice cream. The free ice cream line was long but ya gurl loves ice cream especially when it's free. I do have online stuff I have to do on Mondays and Wednesdays for Spanish, so technically it's sort of 4 times a week but at least I don't have to leave the room. I definitely procrastinated and read for a good chuck during the day but I'm still figuring out my study schedule and getting settled. I showed Alyssa my scrapbook which is always fun. I always love show and tell! In the evening my first chocolate man package from legendary kitchen manager Lili came. First of all, shoutout to my girl Lilias. Love her. She sent me chocolate and a newsletter which was very thoughtful. Pssst I think I need more fudge next time. Like a lot (just for me), it's my favorite, and Alyssa doesn't like it. Also, she gave me my last graduation gift which is the 'Ella Jo' sign pictured below.

Thursday, August 25th

9 am class. I slept in and maybe wouldn't have made it to class if Alyssa hadn't told me the time. The class was Spanish. Since we did online stuff yesterday, today's class was a review and practice of that. First, we did introductions though. She was talking in Spanish to say that, so here I was panicking that I had to introduce myself in Spanish when I barely remember how to Spanish. She kinda set up how to introduce ourselves but I was still hoping I wouldn't be first so I could copy what someone else said and fill in my own answers. However, that was not in the cards for me. Since I was sitting like right next to the teacher, she looked at me and said 'you.' Instant Panic. I ask "en Espanol?" (In Spanish) She goes 'yeah, it's a Spanish class.' I said my name, where I'm from, what I'm studying, and that I like to read. Pretty sure I didn't conjugate the verb to study correctly but that's fine. Luckily I remember what to read it is.

Friday, August 26th

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Aug 30, 2022

Wow!! You are off to a great start ! very proud of you for being brave and checking out all the activities!


Andrea Briggs
Andrea Briggs
Aug 29, 2022

DUDE you are going to nail that HP Trivia Night, please tell me you are going to play!

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